Sunday, 19 February 2012

Gorillaz to collaborate for new Converse ad

You may or may not remember the converse celebration advert starring Pharell Williams, Santogold and Julian Casablancas. The three artists basically collaborated and came up with a tune fitting of the Converse image for their Centennial .The Times called it "a three-headed Frankenstein monster of coolness". You can find the 2 and a half minute video for the song here.

Now we are fast approaching the next instalment of Converse's '3 artists, 1 song' campaign. This time Gorillaz lead the way, with Andre3000 and LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy eventually being announced as the collaborators after much speculation. 'Do Ya Thang' will be released on February 23 internationally.

It sounds like a delicious combination, but this could go either way. Every one of them have been, at least once, released some pretty sub-par work.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

The Mars Volta - The Malkin Jewel - First Listen

As previously covered, The Mars Volta will release a new album on March 27. They have now unveiled the lead single from the album: The Malkin Jewel. If you're an old fan of the band you'll probably enjoy it. Very, very interesting modern take on rock.

Let us know what you think, I'm already getting quite into it on my second listen. I Can't wait for the album release now!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Good evening.

To fill in the gaps, I'm at university studying Audio. Over the last few weeks the course has intensified greatly, with many deadlines and exams coming up one after another. I never saw myself taking the education route after how much I hated school, but after some dead end jobs I saved the money to go to a high level private institute.  It was completely worth it, meeting new people and pushing myself to perform has been a game changer for me.

After the next couple of deadlines I should be back to normal with album reviews.


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